Tuesday, February 9, 2010

TwentyEight - Day 9

Read Matthew 9.

Sometimes I wonder if we have the wrong types of friends. It's not that we don't like the ones we have, in fact, that may be the problem. We DO like the friends we have. Most of them are safe, Jesus-loving, church people that share some of our same intersts and passions which is why we like to hang out with them and call them friends. But, what if we hung out with people that made us uncomfortable, people that don't necessarily love Jesus, people that don't like the things we like and don't do the things we do? Afterall, isn't that what Jesus did?

Take a closer look at verses 11-13. If we're to FOLLOW Jesus' example, perhaps we should hang out with, have dinner with and associate with people who do not yet know and FOLLOW Him, so as to be a good example to them, demonstrating the way of salvation. Think about it! Who do you hang out with? Why?

NOTE: At no time should a Christ-FOLLOWER date or marry someone who is not a committed Christian; sometimes referred to as "Missionary Dating." (See 2 Corinthians 6:14).

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