Read Matthew 3.
John the Baptist was definately a FOLLOWER of Christ. Even before Christ came, John was proclaiming that He would and that people should repent. By taking a closer look at John's life, I think we get a pretty clear picture of what a Christ-FOLLOWER looks like:
FAITH: John's whole life centered around his belief that a Savior was coming. He staked everything he had on it; his clothes, his speech, his popularity, his image, even his future - he was later beheaded for his faith (14:1-12). Not that we have to wear camel's hair, eat locusts and wild honey, but how does your image reflect your being a Christ FOLLOWER? Do the things you say reflect Christ? Are you more concerned about your popularity than you are sharing Christ with your friends? How will your future be shaped by your faith?
FRUIT: John pointed out that righteousness comes from a showing of fruit in keeping with repentance. In spiritual terms, to "produce fruit" implies showing outward evidence of true inward faith through obvious growth in character, compassion and godly behavior. If we have truly committed ourselves to FOLLOWING Christ, our lives will show evidences of His influence.
FIRE: John was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb (Luke 1:41). Later, on the day of Pentecost, there were what seemed like tongues of fire that came to rest on all who were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4). John teaches that the work of the Messiah will involve baptizing (i.e. immersing, empowering) his FOLLOWERS with the Holy Spirit and fire. This baptism would provide great spiritual power and enthusiasm to FOLLOW Christ and spread His message. We need the fire of God to truly FOLLOW Christ.
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