Like Marty the Mormon, Jordan believes her religion (Jehovah's Witnesses) is the only true religion, and all other religions and Protestant denominations (Baptist, Lutheran, etc.) are false. This is why they are so aggressive and go door-to-door trying to convert others to their view of God.
Things to Remember:
- Remember that you are not trying to convert Jordan to a different belief system or even defending your own. Rather, you are trying to help her understand that salvation comes through a relationship with Jesus, not through a religion. Ask Jordan questions that will introduce doubt in her mind about her knowledge of Christianity and the integrity of her church's leadership like: Can someone be saved without being a Jehovah Witness? If so, then how were people saved before the organization was formed? If I were examining Mormonism or another belief, would it be a good idea to read testimonies from ex-members? (This puts them in a quandary, because if they say, "No," show how easy it is to be deceived by a cult that you haven't fully examined. If they say, "Yes," then ask them why they haven't read books by ex-members of the Watchtower).
- Remember when asking questions about her beliefs, it's better to leave the questions "third person" (or hypothetically apply them to yourself) rather than applying them directly to Jordan, or her organization. Instead of saying, "Does your organization...?" you might say, "What if an organization...?" or "What if I...?" This approach may help her be less defensive.
- Remember that while God opposes Jordan's belief system, He loves her, so be gentle and respectful at all times. Jordan may be deeply entrenched in her false beliefs, so be open to developing a long term relationship if you want to be effective.
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