Monday, February 8, 2010

Online Missions Trip Day 9

Mo the Muslim: Mo the Muslim belongs to the religion called Islam (which means 'way of submission'). His beliefs are based on the teachings of a book called the Koran (Quran), which the prophet Mohammed (the founder of Islam) claimed was dictated supernaturally to him in 610 A.D. by the angel Gabriel. Mo's religion is the second largest in the world and claims to have one billion followers. Mo goes to "church" (called a Mosque) every Friday to pray to God. In a mosque during prayer time, Mo and all the other Muslims face east towards the city of Mecca, the birthplace of Islam, where Mohammed had his vision from Gabriel.

Mo believes Islam is the only true religion, and he is radically committed to his faith. At the core of Islam are seven fundamental beliefs that Mo and every Muslim must accept as a part of his/her religion. The seven are:

  1. Belief in God (who, in Arabic, is named 'Allah').

  2. Belief in the angels (both good and evil).

  3. Belief in the revealed Books of God.

  4. Belief in God's many prophets (including Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, and other Christians and Jews are familiar with).

  5. Accepting that there will be a Last Day/Final Judgment.

  6. Belief in the divine measurement of human affairs.

  7. Belief in life after death.

Just like Hari the Hindu, Mo's beliefs affect every part of his life including how he spends his time, what he eats, and even the types of friends he chooses.

Things to Remember:
    Like Hari the Hindu, Mo is coming from a radically different way of looking at the world, so your early witnessing efforts should consist of mainly listening and getting a feel for where he is coming from. So first, be a friend. Muslim cultures place a high value on friendships and time spent visiting with friends. Many Muslims have not had the opportunity to develop a close friendship with a Christian. One way to do this is to invite him to your home. Mo places a high value on hospitality, and you would not leave his home without being offered something to drink, no matter how short the visit. Do the same with him, and be sure and ask beforehand about any dietary restrictions.

    Mo's religion is inseparably tied to his family and culture, so be sensitive to the fact that if he rejects Islam, his family and culture will reject and perhaps even plot to kill him. What this means is that Mo has to carefully weigh all the consequences of trusting Christ, so give him time and make sure you don't make trusting Christ sound flippant.

    Stick to the common themes where Islam and Christianity meet, like Jesus and the Bible. Use those themes to introduce Mo to the truth about them, like the claims of Christ, his death and resurrection, and the Bible being the inspired word of God.

    Mo's view of God (Allah) is one of anger and demand. Use your own testimony as a way to show how it is possible to have a personal relationship with the personal God of the universe (Yahweh) who loves and forgives unconditionally on the basis of Christ's death and resurrection.

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