Thursday, February 11, 2010

TwentyEight - Day 11

Read Matthew 11.

Take a closer look at verse 28: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." FOLLOWING Jesus offers freedom and relief from the busyness and heaviness of life.

Some Christians are experts at making nothing happen...and doing that very slowly. Others act as if the work of Christ lies solely only their shoulders. Sometimes, too much of a good thing can still be a bad thing. Both extremes lead to weariness. Every day of your life you'll face demands marked "urgent"; demands that carry the potential to change busyness into weariness and bring spiritual and emotional burnout. But, there is nothing inherently spiritual about busyness. Jesus reserved some of his strongest rebukes for the Pharisees - the spiritual workaholics of the day. They were so busy working for God that they had forgotten to FOLLOW Him.

At the same time, there is nothing inherently sinful about "unproductive" moments, if they are used to refresh and energize you to continue FOLLOWING Christ. Even God, the Creator of the Universe, set aside His work for a day of rest. And the beauty of it all? While you rest, God is at work!

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