Monday, February 1, 2010

Online Missions Trip Day 2

Andy the Atheist: Andy does not have a "god belief." This is important to remember, because it's not that Andy doesn't believe in God, because that statement opens the possibility that God or a supreme being exists. Andy's worldview is driven by pure rationality, reason, and the scientific method. The result of this is that Andy, like most atheists, believes the theory of evolution to be true and rejects the possibility of the spiritual world and an afterlife. Andy's not alone. Most surveys show that around 15% of Americans call themselves atheist.

Things to Remember:
    The first thing you need to ask an atheist is "do you really seek to discover the truth - even if it costs you your reputation, and even your friends?" If the answer is no, then realize that he/she is not willing to go where the evidence leads; you won't be having an honest intellectual dialogue, but your conversation may still have a spiritual impact.

    Don't talk about sin with an atheist. In their worldview, morality is generally dependent on the situation and neutral, so there is no reference point in their minds for a concept of breaking God's universal laws.

    Don't get dragged into arguments about what God did or didn't do. Focus on the evidence that Christ existed, died on the cross, and came back from the dead. As well, your personal testimony can be a powerful tool, because it's very difficult to "disprove" the real and lasting change that Christ has brought to your life.

Bottom line with an atheist: (and anyone else, for that matter) You cannot argue someone to faith in Christ, but you can (and should) live such a Christlike life that those around you sense something different, which opens the door for you to explain the "evidence."

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