Sunday, February 1, 2009

'28' Introduction

We live in some crazy times. Our nation, which was founded on Christian principles, has become increasingly hostile to those who openly follow Christ. Teens are especially under assault. In every aspect of their life, from their education to their entertainment, is telling them that their faith in God is useless and irrelevant. Because of this, God has placed it on my heart to put together a special emphasis that challenges our teens to live a Spirit-filled, POWERFUL life according to Acts 1:8. Thus, the idea of “28” was born.

28” represents the 28 days of February, during which we will be encouraging our students to read one chapter of Acts and pray every day. 28 Chapters. 28 Days. There will be daily emails and text messages to encourage this. Students will be encouraged to memorize a weekly memory verse. All of my messages in February will center around the book of Acts. Every Friday in February, we’re going to have an “Underground” Bible study at secret, undisclosed locations around town. We’re partnering with other youth ministries in our section, and on Saturday night, February 28, we will be having a final celebratory Youth Rally in South Sioux City, NE.

Please pray for us throughout this journey, that the Holy Spirit would speak to students like never before, and that Christ would truly come alive in their lives this month.

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