What is “the church”?
The Greek word ekklesia (church) refers to “a meeting of people called out and summoned together; the congregation of God’s people in Christ, who come together as citizens of God’s kingdom for the purpose of worshipping God.” The word church can refer to a local church or the universal church.
So, one may ask, what makes a church, the church? I’m glad you asked!
- The church must consist of people, united by the Holy Spirit, seeking a faithful personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Through its POWERFUL witness, sinners will be saved, born again, baptized in water and added to the church; they will partake of the Lord ’s Supper and await Christ’s return.
- The baptism in the Holy Spirit will be preached and communicated to new believers.
- The Holy Spirit’s gifts (including wonders, miraculous signs, and healings) will be operational in the church.
- Believers will drive out demons.
- There will be absolute loyalty to the gospel.
- The congregation will meet weekly to worship God and edify each other.
- The church will stand in humility, awe, and fear before the presence of a holy God.
- There will be observable love and fellowship in the Spirit among the members.
- The church will be a praying and fasting church.
- Believers will separate themselves from the prevailing world view and culture.
- There will be suffering, affliction and persecution because of the world and its ways.
- The church will actively help send missionaries to other lands.
Wow! Do you know a church like that? Are we really meeting and following those standards? What can you do to BE the church?
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