Monday, February 23, 2009

'28' - Day 23

Talk about a witness protection program...take a look at Acts 23:23-35. A little background: Earlier in the chapter, Paul appeared before some religious leaders and said a few things that ticked them off. Things got so bad that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces and ordered that he be taken, by force, from the crowd, into protective custody. Even still, there were some Jews (more than 40 of them) that conspired to kill Paul while in protective custody.

Hearing of this, the commander decided to send Paul to Caesarea. With him, the commander sent 200 soldiers, 70 horsemen, and 200 spearmen! 470 army guys! All to protect ONE man! That's POWERFUL! Can you imagine? This wasn't the leader of the country. He wasn't a diplomat. He wasn't a government official. He was a chosen man of God; a "religious fanatic". What protection!

Just goes to show: God will continue to protect his people even under the most adverse of circumstances. Thank God for that!

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