Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holy Spirit IM Service

Do you know what Instant Messaging is? Unlike email, Instant Messaging (IM) software allows you to 'talk' to someone in real time by typing and receiving messages. It’s a text-based computer conference over the Internet between two or more people who must be online at the same time. When you send an IM, the receiver is instantly notified that he or she has a message. In November 2007, Windows Live Messenger, the world’s largest IM service, had 294 million active users worldwide. In January 2008, Yahoo IM had 248 million active registered global users. Here are some other stats to ponder: 

  • 74% of online teens use IM programs; in comparison, 44% of online adults have used these programs

  • 69% of online teens use IM programs several times a week

  • 70% of online teens say they use IM more often than email; in comparison, 24% of online adults use IM more often than email

  • 55% of teen IM users have used IM to get help with their homework

  • 22% of teen IM users have used IM to ask for or accept a date

  • 43% of IM users have used IM to write something that they would not have said in person

In Luke 24:49, “what my Father has promised” that will bring “power from on high” refers to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that began at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is our Instant Messaging service. Jesus called the Holy Spirit a “Counselor” in John 14:16. Literally translated, this means He is the “one called alongside to help.” We don’t have to wait for Him to respond. He’s always on. He’s always there. It’s instant. He’s our Counselor, Strengthener, Comforter, Helper, Adviser, Advocate, Intercessor, Ally and Friend. The Holy Spirit continues what Christ himself did while on earth. While Jesus is our helper and intercessor in heaven, the Holy Spirit is our helper and intercessor on earth.

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