Not long ago, my wife and I were on a short road trip with some friends when one asked to use my smart phone to view an online video of a product she was reading about in a magazine. So, I handed her the phone and we all anxiously waited while the video was loading. Once it launched, the quality wasn't that great and the video intermittently cut in and out while the next portions of the video were being loaded. It was a little frustrating, but then I thought, "Two years ago, we wouldn't have even been able to make a cellular phone call where we're driving, and now we're trying to connect to the internet and stream a video while driving 60 mph down the highway in the middle of nowhere?!" It put things into perspective for a moment. It made me think of the Verizon guy that's constantly asking, "Can you hear me now? ...Good!"
When I read through 1 Samuel 3:1-10, I can't help but imagine God asking young Samuel, "Can you hear me now?" And then, immediately, I wonder, "Would I recognize the voice of God if he spoke to me?" I understand that in those days the word of the Lord was rare, and that there weren't many visions, but how is that different than most people's experiences today? Even most church experiences? I know that Samuel did not yet know the Lord; that the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. The question remains: Do you know the Lord? Do you recognize His voice? How can you be sure?
There’s a couple of things you can do to better your reception when it comes to hearing God’s voice:
First, pray Psalm 139:23-24. “Search me, O God.” Let God put you through any test that would reveal hidden sin. If that test reveals anything offensive in you, you must admit it, give it up, turn from it and submit to God.
Second, evaluate your present situation. Take a look at Colossians 3:17. In everything you say, do, think, or enjoy, you must ask the following: Can it be done for God’s glory and honor? Can it be done “in the name of the Lord Jesus” (with a complete awareness of who He is, all He stands for and that you are to represent Him), and could you ask His blessing and approval for the activity? Can it be done while sincerely giving thanks to God? Is it a Christ-like action? Would Jesus do it? Could it cause another Christian to compromise his or her devotion to Christ? Will it strengthen or weaken my desire for spiritual things, God’s Word and prayer? Could it weaken or hinder my influence for Christ on others who do not know him or who may look to me as an example of Christ-like behavior?
Finally, be still and listen. Check out Psalm 46:10. You have to get to a point of saying, “Enough is enough!” You have to stop and let go of the things that are holding you back. You have to quit holding on to things that may be distracting or weighing you down spiritually – things that keep you from honoring God and giving him his proper place in your life. Then, when God speaks, you’ll be able to answer, “speak, for your servant is listening.”
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