Mercy is synonymous with clemency, leniency and compassion. It's NOT getting what we DO deserve. But, it's more than just a look or an observation. Mercy requires action. What set the Good Samaritan apart from the others that passed by the man on the side of the road was that he SAW and he ACTED.
Jesus was regularly ridiculed for his mercy for tax collectors, sinners, and other despised people of his day; eating with them, talking to them, healing them. Then, and now, it was unfashionable to be merciful to those who seemed so undeserving. Additionally, Jesus had some pretty sharp words for the merciless. Check out Matthew 18:21-35!
Think about a time when someone treated you with mercy. How did that affect you? Who don't you want to be merciful towards? Why is it so difficult to show mercy to that person/those people? Be merciful this week.
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