This week, as part of the Advent Celebration, the second of five candles are lit on the Advent Wreath. This is The Bethlehem Candle, or the Candle of Faith, or the Candle of Preparation. This candle commemorates the faith of Mary and Joseph, going on their pilgrimage to Bethlehem, and their belief that what was about to happen was a miracle!
If you think about it, the entire Christmas story is about interruptions, and how people responded to those "God gifts" of interruption. Mary and Joseph's plans for marriage were interrupted when an angel came to visit and foretold their role in the coming of the Messiah. (Think about the preparations that were put on hold.) Mary's ninth month of pregnancy was interrupted by their trip to Bethlehem. The innkeeper, whose time was no doubt being spent accommodating all of the guests in the inn, was interrupted by the arrival of Mary and Joseph. The shepherds were interrupted by an angelic visit. (By the way, who watched after the sheep when they left?) The wise men were interrupted by the star. Herod was interrupted by the wise men...
Think about the interruptions you've had in your life; today, this week, this month, this year? Are you willing to receive the gift of interruption? Are you willing to allow God to interrupt your plans, your thoughts, your ideas, your hopes, your dreams? Are you willing to trust and obey? Are you willing to follow Him? Are you willing to go where He sends you? Are you willing to do what He asks? Are you prepared for Jesus' coming?
Activity: This week, consider EACH individual character of the Christmas story (Luke 2; Matthew 1-2). Consider what it would have been like to be THAT character in the story of Jesus' birth. View the story from their perspective. For example, Joseph: What was it like to be visited by an angel? What were his parents' reactions? What was he thinking in continuing with the plan to marry Mary? How was it then, in the midst of all this, to plan a trip to Bethlehem with a 9-month pregnant woman? What would it be like to raise the Son of God?
Prayer: Jesus, feel free to interrupt us. Prepare us. Come and save your people.
1 comment:
Mary Mason said it best in - A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die.
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