Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 3 @ Camp Lex

It thought this was going to be so easy! Kids Camp 2. After the first day, I was beat! Wasn't sure I could make it through the week! Well, I did, and it was AWESOME! I took 4 kids (Hannah, Matthew, Lyndsie, and Erykah) from our church and was a dorm leader for 10 Boys (Jordan, Daniel, Jacob, Quinn, Charles, Matthew, Tony, Jacob, Trevon, and Christian) in Ackerman #8! The camp theme: Transformed! Our speaker team: Pastor Carl Lussier and Family (

Who says adults can't learn something at Kids Camp?!

  • Transforming Word: Revelation 1:5

  • God made the outside and the inside. Just taking care of the outside is not enough.

  • Transforming Love: John 3:17

  • Transforming Spirit: Ephesians 5:18

  • The Bible is not a collection of stories, but a record of events. Stories may or may not be true. Events are real.

  • Transforming Faith: James 2:26

  • Faith does not interact with any of our senses.

  • We've all been given a measure of faith. What are you going to do with it?

Another great week at camp!

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