Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 3 @ Camp Lex

It thought this was going to be so easy! Kids Camp 2. After the first day, I was beat! Wasn't sure I could make it through the week! Well, I did, and it was AWESOME! I took 4 kids (Hannah, Matthew, Lyndsie, and Erykah) from our church and was a dorm leader for 10 Boys (Jordan, Daniel, Jacob, Quinn, Charles, Matthew, Tony, Jacob, Trevon, and Christian) in Ackerman #8! The camp theme: Transformed! Our speaker team: Pastor Carl Lussier and Family (

Who says adults can't learn something at Kids Camp?!

  • Transforming Word: Revelation 1:5

  • God made the outside and the inside. Just taking care of the outside is not enough.

  • Transforming Love: John 3:17

  • Transforming Spirit: Ephesians 5:18

  • The Bible is not a collection of stories, but a record of events. Stories may or may not be true. Events are real.

  • Transforming Faith: James 2:26

  • Faith does not interact with any of our senses.

  • We've all been given a measure of faith. What are you going to do with it?

Another great week at camp!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Week 2 @ Camp Lex

I've officially been at camp one day longer than I've been in my office! This week: High School Camp. I took 12 kids (Ashley, Alicia, Erik, Camille, Andrea, Alyssa, Julian, Daisha, Jena, Matt, Harlee and Presley) from our church and was a dorm leader for 5 High School Boys (Matt, Josh, Erik, Travis, and Julian) in Dickensen #9! The camp theme: Deepening! Our speaker: Jeff Little (

More spiritual "nuggets" if you will :)

  • Going deep is not gradual. It's immediate, acute, straight down and dangerous. So many people are satisfied with the shallowness in their lives. We need to go deeper.

  • "Follow the yellow-brick road!" You can choose what ever road you want, but you go where it goes. You don't chose the destination. Is the road you're on gonna take you to where you want to end up? Are you on the right road?

  • You need to know what in the world you believe and why in the world you believe it. You must conduct worldview training in your youth group.

  • Condemnation differs from conviction. Conviction is specific. Are you listening to the wrong voice?

  • Your life is like a mortgage: So expensive that you cannot afford it. So expensive that God Himself had to die to pay the price for it.

  • You can be whatever GOD wants you to be. It doesn't matter what YOU want to be.

  • If you take care of God's business, He will get into your business and you will prosper.

  • Destiny is not just a plan, job, etc. Your destiny has a face. It's the people you touch around you. Jesus did not die for a plan, he died for a person.

  • 4 Types of People at the Beach, where the beach is the world and the water is the Kingdom of God: 1) Beach Bums (unbelievers; never get into the water). 2) Toe Dippers (like carnal/casual Christians - touch the water, but never really get wet). 3) Waders (have real relationship with God, but have reached a plateau). 4) Maniacs (willing to go deep with God).

  • 6 Aspects of Deep Water: 1. It's the place of the presence of God 2. It's the place of hearing God's voice 3. It's the place of faith and trust 4. It's the place of miracles 5. It's the place of storms (the deepest relationships involve and require the toughest tests) 6. It's the place of rescue.

Two weeks without my wife and kids is killing me. Can't wait for them to get home this weekend! Another awesome week of camp! Next week: Back in the office, then Kids Camp the following week! Can't wait!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Week 1 @ Camp Lex

Wow! Been in Nebraska for 1 whole week and I’m off to Camp Lex for Jr. High Camp! I took 3 kids (Kyle, Grace and Brittnie) from our church and was a dorm leader for 5 Jr. High boys (Zach, Taylor, Blake, Cole and Jacob) in Dickensen #10! The camp theme: Deepening! Our speaker: Tony Cruiz (

Here are a few things I took away from the week. Spiritual “nuggets” if you will. Sort of like chicken nuggets - not sure where they come from, but they sure taste good!

  • Holiness is doing what God says to do the first time He says to do it.

  • “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” Sort of a “birds of a feather” philosophy. You’re only as holy as your best friend.

  • Some people make things more difficult for you. Some people make things better for you. You need both kinds of people in your life.

  • Not every person is called to do the same things for the Kingdom of God, but we all share in the reward.

  • Three Life Lessons: 1. Never fight an ugly person, for they have nothing to lose. 2. No matter how many times you press the elevator button, it’s not going to get there any faster. 3. Don’t mess with a cat that’s angry. Although, that’s the type of fight we need to engage in in fighting sin. Be willing to do what no one else will do. Be willing to fight for people that can’t fight for themselves.

  • Prayer: “Let the things that break Your heart, Lord, also break mine.”

  • Think globally. Act locally.

  • After preaching, pray: “Thank you for this privilege to share Your Word, Lord. May it pierce my heart as it does theirs.”

  • “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Although this also began a two week period of separation from my wife and kids, as I’m off to camp and they’re back visiting friends and family in South Dakota (I am so missing them right now!), what an awesome week of camp! Next week: High School Camp! Can’t wait!